I started to capture daily life two years ago - one second everyday. Here is the new one:

32 Years Old

I love how touching it feels when looking back the old year. Sometimes, even the "then-struggles" become the "now-sweet-memories."

I've started learning Cantonese 恭喜发财🧧

I've also started doula & end-of-life-care education & training — two sides of life’s same coin. Both whisper the same truth: being present is its own kind of love.💗 

Sigh at these defining moments of life - I guess 30s for me, perhaps, is all about meaning-making, hand in hand with fun and tears.

Ohh, here are the 📚 I finished reading in the past two-ish years 😎I love how much I have read in psychology. 😅

Will keep going^