A week away from cities and modern life, immersed in the raw embrace of the earth and forest. Meals come straight from the farm, and marriage, in the quiet village, is as pure and simple as the land itself. 

I can’t help but wonder: we, as intellectual beings, armed with technology and ideologies—how much have we overcomplicated the very essence of living?

We’ve built cities that touch the sky, yet struggle to feel grounded. We’ve invented new ways of connecting, yet still feel profoundly alone. With each leap forward, we seem to drift further from the roots that once anchored us. We’ve mastered "life hacks," but forgotten embodiment. In trying to speed up and shortcut everything, we’ve lost touch with the simplicity that gives life its deepest meaning.

Perhaps in simplifying, we reclaim what it means to be truly human. 

At least, every once a while, every now and then. 

(金普洱,Golden Pu-erh Tuocha is a type of compressed tea made from fermented Pu-erh leaves, known for its rich, earthy flavor and smooth texture, often praised for its potential health benefits, including aiding digestion and improving metabolism.)

(Wild mushrooms.)

(Lily Bulb and Lotus Seed Soup. Tastes like heave!)

(Us, pretending to be Chinese traditional wives.)